Apple Blossoms and Promises

Apple Blossoms and Promises

I love designing quilts. It is an exercise in simple problem solving with beautiful results. 

Problem: I need a Valentine’s day quilt.


Hearts? No…hearts are so expected in February. Besides, I used a heart theme when I made Wild Roses, First Blush, and I Love Tea.

Flowers? Sure…I love flowers. There is something wonderful about designing spring flowers during the winter storms. I think I want to do apple blossoms.

Colors? Gray because the world is so gray outside and also pink because I have lots of pink fabric leftover from my last hand dyeing class. A hint of green leaves.

Shape? Heart? No…See note under Solution.

Bouquet in a vase? No…I did that with Geraniums, Table and Vase, and French Doors.

Wreath? Sure, Appliqued wreaths are wonderful and very traditional.

So, What do I need? A blossom shape and a leaf shape. The size of the wreath, and…perhaps not a full, complete circle. An open circle to let the love in.

Labor-saving ideas:

Tack the blossoms in place and leave them with a fluffy, natural look. Stitch the leaves just along the centerline so they look 3D. Use my favorite product: Terial Magic to stiffen the fabric and my Silhouette CAMEO to cut my shapes.

OK, those are great ideas but there should be a bit of drama in the quilt. How about birds?

Doves are often used at weddings. A pair of doves and a quilting design that gives a sense of movement and airflow. Add 3D applique allowing me to add feathers to the dove’s wings.

Oh! Yes.

Ok, now I can share the love with you.


  1. Fabric for blossoms in a range of white and pink. Perhaps a little pale purple.

  2. Fabric for leaves

  3. Terial Magic Click to order the small size or order the larger sizes from Terial Arts.

  4. Large zip bag or large bowl

  5. Iron and board

  6. Good scissors or an electronic cutter such as the Silhouette CAMEO.

  7. Bag of Poly-Pellets

  8. Sewing machine

  9. Yellow and green thread

First, you will need the apple blossom and leaf shapes. Right-click on this image and copy it to your computer. You may print it for hand cutting or use it with your electronic cutter.

Next, you should decide if you are going to need the paper pattern. It includes a full-sized sheet of paper showing where every shape should go. It also includes all the information and pattern shapes you need to make the birds. You may have your own apple blossom idea and not need the pattern.

Go to the pattern page and order the paper pattern. It includes the master pattern and step-by-step instructions for completing the Apple Blossoms and Promises quilt.

Fuse the Birds:

The birds both get fused to the quilt top. I cut mine with my Silhouette CAMEO. 

For those of you who want to use your scissors; Trace the two bird outlines onto the paper side of the fusible web. Fuse it to the back of your white fabric. Follow the directions provided with your brand of fusible web. Peel off the paper backing and fuse in place. Please don’t fuse the middle of the sitting bird until you tuck the yarn ends under her edges.

Now for those of you who have electronic cutters. Scan the bird drawings provided in the pattern. Trace the outer edges. Apply fusible web to the back of your white fabric. I used Heat and Bond Lite. Adhere the fabric to the cutting mat with the paper facing up. Cut with a thick fabric setting.

Terial Magic:

Terial Magic is a spray that behaves like starch. I am told it contains no starch and is safe to leave in my fabrics forever. For my flowers, I like how Terial Magic eliminates the fraying edges and allows me to shape my petals and leaves. I plan to leave the Terial Magic in the fabric and never wash this quilt.

Terial Magic spray

If you want to wash Terial Magic out of your leftover fabric just soak it in tepid water for about 10 minutes. Dry on a towel and it will be soft and supple once again.

Put your fabric in a large zippered plastic bag or bowl. Spray the fabric until it is all wet. If using a bag; zip it and massage the fabric to move the product through the fibers. Allow the Terial Magic to soak into the fabric for at least 10 minutes. Hang on a line until damp, then press. For those of us who are impatient; line your ironing board with paper towels and press with another paper towel under the iron. The fabric should be stiff like good paper. Cut out the blossoms and leaves using your favorite scissors or an electronic cutter such as the Silhouette CAMEO.



Stitch all the leaves from point to point allowing the rounded edges to be free.

Layer one shaped blossom on top of a flat blossom shape. Choose a stitch that is about 1/4 inch across and either round or star-shaped. Stitch this into the center of the layered blossoms. I pulled all the threads to the front and cut them 1/4 inch from the fabric to give the look of stamens.

The blooms will look more realistic if you crowd some and allow others to trail away.

Terial Magic may be found at 

Poly Pellets and the Apple Blossoms and Promises pattern may be purchased at